Legal Notice

The MOUSSET GROUP is at your disposal for any comments or suggestions.

Editorial management


Service Communication
RD 160
Phone: 02 51 66 01 13
Email: contact form

SIRET No: 51960293200013
VAT: FR 87 519 602 932
Registered with the Trade and Companies Register on 21-01-2010 (La Roche sur Yon – 85)
Capital €18,725,294.00

Website creation and design

All the details concerning the creation of the website are available via the following link:

John Doe et Fils: digital communication agency in Nantes

Rights and duties of users

The information published on this site is the property of the MOUSSET Group.
No copy, total or partial, may be made without the agreement of the MOUSSET Group. Users are responsible for the questions they formulate and for the interpretation and use they make of the results. It is their responsibility to use them in accordance with the regulations in force and the recommendations of the French National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)) when the data are of a personal nature.
In particular, they must be aware that the information may only be used for strictly personal purposes, that using screenshots for the reconstruction or enrichment of a personal database is contrary to French law and therefore prohibited, as well as the use for commercial or advertising purposes.

Data protection

All information relating to data protection can be found on the dedicated page: Data protection.


The setting up of hypertext links by third parties to pages or documents published on this site, which may in fact constitute an infringement of copyright, an act of commercial parasitism or defamation, must be authorised by the MOUSSET Group and may be requested directly from the site administrator.
The corresponding authorisation will be granted if the links do not contravene the interests of the MOUSSET Group, and if they guarantee the possibility for the user to identify the MOUSSET Group origin on the document, in particular in the case of deep hypertext links, framing or insertion by links.

Similarly, the MOUSSET Group has requested in writing authorisation to create links to its site from all the servers indicated: these servers retain full and complete ownership of the information and the company cannot be held liable in any way.

Governing law

This legal notice is subject to French domestic law. The language of the legal notices is French. In case of dispute, French courts will have sole jurisdiction.


All content (photos, text, video, sound) available on this site remains the exclusive property of the MOUSSET Group and/or its partners and is governed by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.

Any extraction and/or reproduction of a substantial part of the information published on the site is prohibited without the prior authorisation of MOUSSET Group and constitutes an infringement punishable by Articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

The Intellectual Property Code specifies that the source must be cited or permission requested from the author of the images. It is only used in the context of respect for copyright. As a creation of the mind, images (even screenshots) are therefore protected by copyright (Art. L112-2-9 of the Intellectual Property Code).

The unauthorised reproduction or representation of images, texts or documents is punishable under civil law by an award of damages. Such damages are calculated on a case-by-case basis. This depends on the victim’s loss of income, the damage suffered due to the distortion of the way the site is presented and the repercussions there may have been for the author of the site, the way in which the image was used and the extent to which it was able to bring the designer financial benefits, if any.